Как составлять вопросы на английском

Сегодня Вы узнаете, как составлять вопросы на английском. Я постараюсь преподать этот материал в предельно доступной и понятной форме, учитывая разнообразные типичные ошибки в английском языке, которые часто допускают студенты. А практическое задание с ответами поможет Вам закрепить и проверить свои знания. Обычно составление вопросов дается изучающим английский язык сложно. Повествовательные предложения, как правило, не вызывают проблем — достаточно только запомнить, какую форму принимает глагол — Vs, Ves, V2, V3 и ставить ее после подлежащего: «He likes tea» (Он любит чай.), «I have been waiting for you for half an hour.» (Я жду тебя полчаса).

А вот составление вопросов требует понимания структуры английского предложения в целом, и вопроса, в частности: вспомогательный или модальный глагол + подлежащее + смысловой глагол: «Does he like tea?», «Have you been waiting for me for half an hour.» Всегда следует помнить про вспомогательные глаголы, которые и являются ключом к правильно образованным вопросам. (Напомню, что название «вспомогательные» говорит само за себя -это глаголы, которые помогают образовать вопросительные и отрицательные английские предложения).

Этапы составления вопросов на английском языке

  1. Итак, как составлять вопросы на английском? Прежде чем задать ЛЮБОЙ вопрос на английском, найдите глагол в таком вопросе и подумайте, какой это глагол — глагол to be, модальный глагол (can, must…), основной глагол (main verb).
  2. определите время вопроса. Если вы чувствуете, что легко запутаетесь с определением времени вопроса, тогда сделайте из данного вопроса утвердительное предложение. Например: «Твой муж любит грибы? — Твой муж любит грибы.» Это — настоящее неопределенное время (The Present Indefinite) — он любит грибы вообще. Вот 9 предложений-примеров — 9 времен английского глагола:
    • «Твой муж любит грибы, не так ли?» — настоящее неопределенное время (The Present Simple).
    • «Кто сломал принтер на прошлой неделе?» — прошедшее неопределенное время (The Past Simple).
    • «Когда ты придешь ко мне?» — будущее неопределенное время (The Future Simple).
    • «Дети сейчас плавают или кушают?» — настоящее длительное время (The Present Continuous).
    • «Что Ваши коллеги делали вчера в 5 часов вечера?» — прошедшее длительное время (The Past Continuous).
    • «Будут ли они работать в библиотеке завтра с 3 до 5?» — будущее длительное время (The Future Continuous)
    • «Он уже написал письмо, не так ли?» — настоящее совершенное время (The Present Perfect).
    • «Она ушла до того, как ты позвонил?» — прошедшее совершенное время (The Past Perfect).
    • «Ты переведешь статью к 6 часам?» — будущее совершенное время (The Future Perfect).
  3. После того, как вы нашли глагол и определили время предложения, начинайте строить вопрос с учетом некоторых важных моментов: a) предложения с глаголом to be (пример 1), модальными глаголами (пример 2), глаголом to have (пример 3)образуют вопросы путем перестановки этих глаголов на первое место, перед подлежащим; b) остальные вопросы, как правило, требуют вспомогательных глаголов (пример 4).

Пример 1 (to be):

«Ты голоден?» Быть голодным (англ. to be hungry) — в английском языке содержит глагол to be. Значит, составлять вопросы будем по уже изученному материалу о глаголе to be, а именно: глагол to be выносим на первое место, ничего при этом не добавляя. Обратить внимание нужно только на время, например: «Ты голоден?» — настоящее время, значит, нужны такие формы глагола to be настоящего времени — am, is, are — «Are you hungry?». «Ты был голоден?» — прошедшее время, значит, употребляем формы глагола to be для прошедшего времени — was, were — «Were you hungry?»

Пример 2 (modal verbs):

«Ты можешь найти эту программу?». «Мочь» — модальный глагол (can), поэтому вопросы составляем точно так же, как и с глаголом to be — перенося модальный глагол на 1 место — «Can you find this programme?»

Пример 3 (to have):

«У него есть автомобиль?» Повторюсь: глагол to have выходит на первое место, как и модальные глаголы, как и глагол to be — «Has he a car?/ Has he got a car?».

Пример 4 (main verbs):

«Сколько это стоит?». Чтобы перевести этот вопрос, я следую собственному алгоритму, изложенному выше: 1. «стоить» — основной глагол (main verb); 2. время — The Present Simple (сколько это стоит вообще, всегда); 3. поскольку в этом вопросе нет глагола to be, модального глагола или глагола to have, то нужно подобрать вспомогательный глагол — это «does» (потому что именно он употребляется перед «he, she, it» в The Present Simple). Выходит: «How much does it cost?». Вроде, все просто.

Данные пошаговые инструкции помогут Вам перевести любой вопрос, при 2 условиях:

  1. Вы понимаете, что такое времена английского глагола и как их использовать;
  2. Вы разбираетесь в типах английских вопросов (детальнее о типах вопросов — в следующем посте).


Переведите эти вопросы на английский язык. (Если Вам нужна помощь с определением времени, смотрите объяснение выше — все времена к данным предложениям я расписала.) Самостоятельно определите тип вопроса (если помните).

  1. Твой муж любит грибы, не так ли?
  2. Кто сломал наш принтер на прошлой неделе?
  3. Когда ты придешь ко мне?
  4. Твои дети сейчас плавают или кушают?
  5. Что Ваши коллеги делали вчера в 5 часов вечера?
  6. Будут ли они работать в библиотеке завтра с 3 до 5?
  7. Он уже написал письмо, не так ли?
  8. Она ушла до того, как ты позвонил?
  9. Ты переведешь статью к 6 часам вечера?
  10. Ты ждешь меня полчаса, не так ли?
  1. Your husband likes mushrooms, doesn’t he? (Disjunctive question)
  2. Who broke our printer last week? (Special question — to the subject)
  3. When will you come to me? (Special question)
  4. Are your children swimming or eating now? (Alternative question)
  5. What were your colleagues doing yesterday at 5 o’clock in the evening? (Special question)
  6. Will they be working in the library from 3 till 5? (General question)
  7. He has written a letter, hasn’t he? (Disjunctive question)
  8. Had she left before you called? (General question)
  9. Will you have translated the article by 6 p.m.? (General question)
  10. You have been waiting for me for half an hour, haven’t you? (Disjunctive question)

Как составлять вопросы на английском?

89 thoughts on “Как составлять вопросы на английском?

  • 16.09.2014 на 18:33
    Постоянная ссылка

    помогите составить 5 вопросов к этому тексту
    Greetings from Brazil! I’ve been here since Monday and I am having a fantastic time at the Rio Carnival. I love it here. The weather is wonderful and the atmosphere of the carnival is amazing.
    I’ve been dancing every night in the streets to the samba music. I’ve taken lots of photos of the amazing costumes to show you when I get back. Right now I’m lying on the beach relaxing. Later I’m having dinner at a local restaurant and then I’m going back to the party.

      • 05.12.2015 на 12:36
        Постоянная ссылка

        помогите составить вопросы из данных слов
        3)What,are,in,the University,there,departments
        4)Chairs,are,how,there,many,in,the University
        6)Any,Student,at,is,Science,there,Society,the University
        7)What,the work,is,of,the Faculty,Professions,Social,of

      • 14.05.2017 на 15:12
        Постоянная ссылка

        Помогите пожалуйста составить 5 вопросов (общий, специальный, альтернативный, разделительный) к каждому предложению;
        1.John bought a house last year.
        2.We drink tea every morning.
        3.He will play football next week.

      • 08.04.2020 на 00:11
        Постоянная ссылка

        Пожалуйста помогите составить вопросы из этих слов 1.Do,many,desserts,to have,how,you,want
        4.with sausages,fried,eggs,how,about
        6.do,eat,you,,sugar,much,how,every day.
        очень срочно надо, пожалуйста.

        • 08.04.2020 на 00:46
          Постоянная ссылка

          1. How many desserts do you want to have?
          2. What do you usually eat for lunch?
          3. Would you like a piece of cake?
          4. How about sausages with fried eggs?
          5. What is your favourite fruit?
          6. How much sugar do you eat every day?

      • 23.04.2020 на 18:14
        Постоянная ссылка

        Помогите составить 10 вопросов по тексту:
        To answer this question, me mush first of all learn the meaning of the
        word “ecology”. Ecology is a science which studies the relationship between all
        Forms of life on our planet with its environment. This word came from the
        Greek “oikos” which means “home”. This idea of “home” includes the whole
        planet: it’s population, the nature, animals, birds, fish, insects, all other living
        beings and even the atmosphere around our planet. Do all of them live a happy
        and healthy life in our Home nowadays? Unfortunately, it is not so. Indeed,
        many territories, water, basins, lakes, rivers, seas, oceans – and the atmosphere
        are polluted with all kinds of technological, agricultural, chemical, nuclear and
        other wastes. The intensive development of sciences, industry and chemistry in
        the 20th century has made the pollution of our environment a global problem
        which should be solved by all means.
        Besides, rapid growth of our population (there are about 6 billion people
        living on our planet now) needs more and more land, food, goods and modern
        conveniences for newly-born people. The production of them in large amounts
        will greatly increase the pollution of the environment. And what to say about
        the awful harm caused to our Home by nuclear tests, atom bombs and accidents
        at our atomic power stations? Isn’t it high time to start solving this global
        problem and to make our life in our Home happy and healthy?
        Now you know the answer to the question of why technology must bring
        apology to ecology. You are right. Because it has polluted and is badly polluting
        our environment.

    • 03.03.2017 на 19:32
      Постоянная ссылка

      К каждому предложению по вопросу . Помогите пожалуйста!

      Like many big cities, London has problems with traffic and
      pollution. Over 1000000 people a day use the London Underground.
      People who want to drive into the city centre pay some money, but there are still too many cars in the streets. The air isn’t clean, but it is
      cleaner than it was 100 years ago.
      For me, the best thing about London is the parks. There are five in
      the city centre.
      London consists of four main parts: The City of London, The
      City of Westminster, The West End, The East End. The most
      beautiful part of London is the West End. The best hotels, restaurants
      and shops are situated here. The oldest part of London is the City,
      which is the commercial and trading centre of London. The East End
      is the working part of London, its industrial centre. And Westminster
      is the aristocratic official part of London, its administrative centre.

  • 09.10.2014 на 18:38
    Постоянная ссылка

    помогите перевести вопросы:как звали жену Эпиметеуса?Кто принес коробку в дом Пандоры и Эпиметеуса?Почему Пандора заинтересовалась коробкой?Что было в коробке?Что выпустила Пандора с коробки?Что осталось в коробке?Сколько раз Пандора открывала коробку?

    • 10.10.2014 на 11:36
      Постоянная ссылка

      1. What was Epimetheus’ wife’s name?
      2. Who brought the box into Pandora and Epimetheus’s house?
      3. Why was Pandora interested in the box?
      4. What was in the box?
      5. What did Pandora let out of the box?
      6. What was left in the box?
      7. How many times did Pandora open the box?

  • 13.10.2014 на 16:16
    Постоянная ссылка

    Помогите составить вопросы:
    1. Он основал Московский комитет?
    2. Он участвовал на международной конференции?
    3. В каком году он стал самым молодым академиком в России?
    4. В каком году он умер?

    • 14.10.2014 на 23:38
      Постоянная ссылка

      1. Did he found the Moscow Committee?
      2. Did he participate in the international conference?
      3. What year did be become the youngest academician in Russia?
      4. What year did he die?

  • 19.11.2014 на 12:05
    Постоянная ссылка

    Помогите, пожалуйста, составить все возможные вопросы к следующему предложению

    Police forces always cooperate with each other.

    • 21.11.2014 на 23:47
      Постоянная ссылка

      1. Police forces always cooperate with each other, don’t they?
      2. Do police forces always cooperate with each other?
      3. How often do police forces cooperate with each other?
      4. What do police forces do?
      5. Who cooperates with each other?
      6. Who do police forces cooperate with?

    • 22.11.2014 на 00:00
      Постоянная ссылка

      Татьяна, вопросы помогу Вам составить, но предлагаю разобраться в грамматике английского вместе с нашими онлайн учителями — http://school.englishvoyage.com/. Будем Вас ждать на уроках!

  • 20.11.2014 на 19:25
    Постоянная ссылка

    Помогите составить по 5 вопросов к каждому предложению.
    1. The mother-cat and her kittens live downstairs.
    2. Every morning the kittens go to the primary school.
    3. The kittens don’t like to go to school.
    4. Cats and dogs speak the same language.

    • 21.11.2014 на 23:54
      Постоянная ссылка

      1. The mother-cat and her kittens live downstairs.
      — Who lives downstairs?
      — Who does the mother-cat live with?
      — Where do the mother-cat and her kittens live?
      — The mother-cat and her kittens live downstairs, don’t they?
      — Do the mother-cat and her kittens live downstairs?
      2. Every morning the kittens go to the primary school.
      3. The kittens don’t like to go to school.
      4. Cats and dogs speak the same language.

      Саша, предлагаю подтянуть английский вместе с нами http://school.englishvoyage.com/teachers. Присоединяйтесь — и уже скоро Вы сами сможете не только составлять вопросы, но и говорить на английском!))

  • 25.11.2014 на 13:30
    Постоянная ссылка

    Здравствуйте, помогите проверить правильно ли составлены вопросы?Заранее спасибо)
    1. Who does send the matchmakers to bride`s parents? Кто отправляет сватьев к родителям невесты?
    2. How many days does the wedding last? Сколько дней длится свадебная церемония?
    3. What did the girl ask from the Khan? Что девушка попросила у хана?
    4. What did the girl decide to do if Khan fulfilled her task? Что девушка решила сделать если хан выполнит ее просьбу?

    • 02.12.2014 на 07:02
      Постоянная ссылка

      Здравствуйте, Валерия!

      Вот несколько Вам, для примера:

      1. Who is always late for work?
      2. How often is John late for work?
      3. Is John always late for work?
      4. John is late for work, isn’t he?

      Валерия, мы будем рады видеть Вас на занятиях по Skype в нашей онлайн школе — http://school.englishvoyage.com/

      • 17.01.2015 на 11:09
        Постоянная ссылка

        The Bengal tiger is the national animal of lndia. It is red or orange with black, grey or brown stripes. It hides in tall grass and hunts big animal like deer . it is a really beautiful animal.
        The Indian cobra is a black , brown, white or yellow snake .It is a very dangerous snake.
        Indian elephants are very big and tall (2-3 metres), but they have small ears . Usually a big female is the head of a family of elephants . Indian people use elephants to carry heavy things with their trunks.
        The Indian rhino is a funny animal! It only has one horn ( African rhinos have two) . It usually lives alone and likes to sit in water or mud. There are only about 2,500 Indian rhinos today.
        Помогите составить 2 вопроса о животных!please!

  • 18.02.2015 на 16:39
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    Составьте 5 вопрсов к тексту пожалуйста!!!
    The building of ships seems to have begun in Egypt when the first models were designed 5,000 years ago and evolved to the sailing ships that could move easily with the help of wind. But there is still the mystery of how the first inhabitants of Australia were able to come to that continent 60,000 years ago since they had to cross a stretch of ocean of at least 70 kilometres. This most certainly required some means of ocean travel!

    • 21.02.2015 на 16:49
      Постоянная ссылка

      1. The building of ships seems to have begun in Egypt, doesn’t it?
      2. When were the first models of ships designed?
      3. How could the sailing ships move?
      4. When did the first inhabitants of Australia come to that continent?
      5. Did the first inhabitants of Australia have to cross a stretch of ocean of at least 70 kilometers?

      Вот, пожалуйста, Богдан) Приглашаем Вас на пробный бесплатный урок по скайпу с нашим преподавателем — http://school.englishvoyage.com/, просто оставьте заявку или напишите мне в скайп — admin_englishvoyage

  • 02.03.2015 на 21:17
    Постоянная ссылка

    Помогите составить вопрос на английском языке:
    1. Каким спортом ваша сестра занимается?
    2. Почему Эмили надоедает на вечеринках?
    3. Вы ходите в тренажерный зал по субботам?

    • 09.03.2015 на 11:11
      Постоянная ссылка

      Здравствуйте, Елизар!
      1. What kind of sport is your sister fond of?
      2. Why is Emily bothersome at the parties?
      3. Do you go to the gym on Saturdays?

      Елизар, приглашаем Вас на пробный бесплатный урок по скайпу с нашим преподавателем — http://school.englishvoyage.com/, просто оставьте заявку или напишите мне в скайп — admin_englishvoyage

  • 17.03.2015 на 22:47
    Постоянная ссылка

    Помогите составить вопросы на английском:
    1) Кто еще работал в области электричества?
    2) Что люди называли электричеством?
    3) Какую роль играет электричество?

    • 18.03.2015 на 13:24
      Постоянная ссылка

      Здравствуйте, Даниил!

      1. Who else worked in the electricity field?
      2. What did people call electricity?
      3. What role does electricity play?

    • 18.03.2015 на 13:27
      Постоянная ссылка

      Здравствуйте, Даниил!

      1. Who else worked in the electricity field?
      2. What did people call electricity?
      3. What role does electricity play?

      Даниил, помните, что ВЫ всегда можете подтянуть свой уровень английского вместе с нашим преподавателем не выходя из дома, по Скайпу — http://school.englishvoyage.com/. Просто напишите мне в Скайпе — admin_englishvoyage

  • 18.03.2015 на 15:41
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    Помогите составить 5 вопросов к абзацу)))
    As you can see, accounting is needed in any society requiring resource allocation and its usefulness is not confined to ‘capitalist’ or ‘mixed’ economies. An accountant is concerned with the provision and interpretation of financial information. He does not, as an accountant, make decisions. Many accountants do of course get directly involved in decision making but when they do they are performing a different function.

  • 14.04.2015 на 17:24
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    Составьте 5 вопросов к этому тексту,пожалуйста!
    Education Abroad
    The value of a student exchange between foreign families is an experience of a lifetime. The mixing of cultures and backgrounds provides young people with an unforgettable awareness and a lifelong appreciation of each other. Everyone in the family, in fact, benefits from this new understanding and friendships start.
    There is no better way to learn about another country, its customs and its people’s way of life than by experiencing it firsthand as a student exchange participant. Year after year study abroad education enhances students’ lives. They gain skills they could never have learnt by staying home, including maturity, self-confidence, communicativeness, and the ability to become a global citizen. To learn more about the advantages of becoming a foreign exchange student take a look at the previous topics or search directly for a specific programme in the list .

  • 05.05.2015 на 15:09
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    Помогите пожалуйста составить 5 вопросов к тексту! ;(
    Francesco Bartolomeo Rastrelli was a Russian architect of Italian origin. He developed an easily recognisable style of late Baroque.
    His major works, including the Winter Palace on the Neva River and the Catherine Palace in Tsarskoye Selo, are famed for extravagant luxury and opu¬lence of decoration.
    Rastrelli was appointed to the post of senior court architect in 1730. His works found favour with Empress Anna and Empress Elizabeth. The new Empress Catherine dismissed baroque architecture as old-fashioned, and the aged architect had to retire to Courtland where he supervised decora¬tion of the ducal palaces. The square before the Smolny convent bears Rastrelli’s name since 1923.

    • 06.05.2015 на 12:08
      Постоянная ссылка

      1. Who developed an easily recognizable style of late Baroque?
      2. What are Rastrelli’s major works famed for?
      3. When was he appointed to the post of senior court architect?
      4. Who did his works find favour with?
      5. What square bears Rastrelli’s name since 1923?

  • 29.06.2015 на 16:33
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    помогите пожалуйста составить 6 вопросов:
    Make up 6 questions (different types) to the following sentence:
    People cheer enthusiastically as the band marches by.
    Очень нужно заранее спасибо!!!

    • 30.06.2015 на 13:58
      Постоянная ссылка

      1. What do people do as the band marches by?
      2. People cheer enthusiastically as the band marches by, don’t they?
      3. How do people cheer as the band marches by?
      4. Do people cheer enthusiastically as the band marches by?
      6. Do people cheer enthusiastically or indifferently as the band marches by?

      Пожалуйста, Вадим! Приглашаем Вас на бесплатный пробный урок в нашу онлайн-школу English Voyage.

  • 29.09.2015 на 21:13
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    Здравствуйте,напишите 5 разных видов вопросов к тексту,пожалуйста
    All these languages come from word combinations that describe certain local variants of English. They developed as a means of communication between two or more language groups that do not share a common language. Although the names of these languages look similar, they are actually quite different. Some genuinely mix the languages, some alter between English and the other language, some are local dialects of English used by English speakers themselves, and some are just non-native pronunciations of English.
    As a term for describing the Russian-English pidgin language, «Runglish» was popularised in the year 2000 when it was used as the language aboard the International Space Station. Although less widespread than other variants, Runglish is spoken in a number of English-Russian communities, most notably the Russian-speaking Jewish community of Brighton Beach in Brooklyn, New York.
    Arthur C. Clarke’s novel 2010: Odyssey Two mentions a similarly named language, Russlish. The small subplot in Arthur C. Clarke’s novel 2010 involved the crew of a Russo-American spaceship, who attempted to battle their boredom with a so-called «Stamp Out Russlish!» campaign. As the story went, both crews were fully fluent in each other’s languages, to the point that they found themselves crossing over languages in mid-conversation, or even simply speaking the other language even when there was no one present who had it as their native tongue.
    Use of «Russlish» in space has been realised to some extent on the International Space Station. Cosmonaut Sergei Krikalyov said in October of 2000: «We say jokingly that we communicate in «Runglish», a mixture of Russian and English languages, so that when we are short of words in one language we can use the other, because all the crew members speak both languages well.»

  • 01.10.2015 на 23:21
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    Помогите пожалуйста с вопросами:»Ты плавал сегодня?»
    Ты сделал это?
    Вы ждали меня так долго?
    Что уже завтра?

  • 28.10.2015 на 10:54
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    Помогите составить 12 вопросов к этому тексту

    All the problems can be divided into three groups: problems between countries, between a person and society and between society and nature.

    The first group of problems is connected with disagreements between different countries. The main problem I want to tell you about is danger of beginning the World War III, in other words, nuclear war. I am sure that this war will be the last in the world. It will put an end to everything. Now practically every country has nuclear bombs. Unfortunately there is such a possibility that terrorists may have this weapon. Correspondingly, here is another problem — world terrorism. The other problem is globalization. On the one hand, this phenomenon has a lot of advantages, it helps to get people united. But on the other hand, we forget our culture, traditions and become like others.

    The next is the group of problems between society and a person. The most important problem is demographic. The amount of people are becoming less every year, the cause is that nowadays more people die. It happens because we value money and a good job much more than family, children. Another problem is unemployment. Many people are unemployed today. To find a job is very difficult for young graduates. In most cases they have to work in another sphere not connected with their education.

    The third group is problems between society and nature, ecological problems. The progress causes pollution. Everything, our society has, leads to destruction of the environment: cars, air conditioners, refrigerators, factories, cans influence the nature badly. Our planet is in serious danger. We should not only take, but give back, too.
    It is said that there is no bad society, there is only bad people. In other words, the problem is in ourselves. Most of problems can be solved. Not only the government, but also all people are in charge.

  • 15.11.2015 на 11:48
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    Помогите пожалуйста!!!
    Ask questions for more information and answer them.
    1.Many guests are invited to the party.
    Are…? Where…? Why…?
    2.Red tulips are given to veterans.
    Are(only)…? Why…? When…?
    3 Birch trees are found in Russia.
    Are(only)…? What(associated with)…? Why(loved by people)…?
    4 Thanksgivig Day is celebrated in the USA.
    Is(only)…? Why…? When…?

  • 15.11.2015 на 17:58
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    помогите ,пожалуйста ,мне нужно составить 5 типов вопрос к этому тексту,просила помощи уже на 3 сайтах,может для них это сложно,помогите пожалуйста,нужно очень срочно
    Perhaps the best way to spend a cold, winter night in Ireland is to sit in front of the fire and enjoy the company of a Seanachai, a storyteller. Ireland has many stories to tell and they belong to two groups: myths and legends and folk tales. Throughout the years, people passed on stories to form a great tradition.

    Myths and legends are stories about giants, saints, warriors and kings. They are tales of heroes who overcome great obstacles1, fight with magical beasts and have incredible2 adventures. One such legend is the story of the noble champion Finn Mac Cumhal and his group of warriors, the Fianna, who protected the High Kings of Ireland.

    Folk tales entertain people while teaching them moral values. These stories have the most unusual characters: fairies, elves, leprechauns and many more. The Leprechaun is one of the most popular characters in Irish folklore. Its name means ‘small body’. It is a type of fairy that makes shoes and has a hidden treasure: a crock3 filled with gold. If you catch it, it must tell you the secret location of its treasure immediately. But be careful! It will try to trick you into looking away for a second, and then it will disappear!

    • 17.11.2015 на 08:41
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      Здравствуйте, Ирина!
      Вот вопросы для Вас.
      Помните, что мы всегда готовы предложить Вам уроки по Skype с нашими преподавателями, которые знают о вопросах на английском (и не только) все!))

      1. What is the best way to spend a cold, winter night in Ireland?
      2. People passed on stories to form a great tradition, didn’t they?
      3. Are myths and legends stories about giants, saints, warriors and kings?
      4. Who protected the High Kings of Ireland?
      5. Is the Leprechaun one of the most popular characters in Irish or Scottish folklore?

      Будем рады видеть Вас в числе наших учеников!

  • 17.11.2015 на 16:58
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    Здравствуйте помогите пожалуйста составить 15 разных видов вопросов,очень срочно

    The criminal

    Carl Maxwell is really in prison, serving a six-month sentence. In July of the last year, he was arrested and a TV, a video recorder and a DVD player were found in his car. He admits now that he stole them, though at the time he claimed that he was innocent. He says he has no regrets about the burglary.
    ‘I come from a very poor family. We never had anything. We couldn’t afford much and we never went on holiday when I was a child. If my childhood had been different, I would have got a proper job. But as I grew up, I realized that I could get things easily just by stealing them. Well, if people are so stupid that they leave their windows unlocked, it’s not my fault. I’ve never hurt anyone, so I think it’s unfair that I’m here. Still, I’ll be out in another four months.’

    B. The Victim

    Olivia Norton lives in a quiet suburb, alone apart from her two cats. She says that what happened that night in July has had a long-lasting effect on her.
    “You can always replace the things you own, and I have insurance, but it takes a long time to feel safe in your own home again. If I’d known what was going to happen, I’d have been more careful. But you never know, do you? The crime rate around here is increasing and there just aren’t enough police officers. Their failure to prevent crime means that many people are afraid to leave their own home.’
    Olivia believes that poverty can push people into crime but that it isn’t an excuse. ‘My parents never had much money. But they worked hard and saved what they could. If I’d decided to turn to crime, I could have got lots of things for free. I didn’t, though, because I believe that honesty is important.’

  • 19.11.2015 на 14:44
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    Carla and Pedro are on holiday. They’re in Africa. The weather is very good, and the holiday is great. The people are really nice; says Carla.’but the heat is awful. The buildings in the photograph are in a desert near a town. They are 5,000 years old. They are the homes of dead kings and queens . Помогите составить 7 предложении.

  • 24.11.2015 на 16:43
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    Помогите пожалуйста мне нужно составить 5 типов вопросов к этому тексту нужно срочно. When we got to the room she shared with her sister, she took out a big case of Barbies — which was my next surprise. I had never played with them. But we sat on the floor of a walk-in closet, laughing as we made up crazy stories about the Barbies. That was when we found out that we both wanted to be writers when we were older and we both had wild imaginations. When we got bored making up stories, she took out a small case of make-up and taught me how to put on lipstick and blusher. We spent that afternoon screaming with laughter. She showed me her wardrobe, which had mostly come from a designer clothing store down the block. Soon I was included in her magic world. We spent every free moment together, and there was always something we could share with each other. We never ran out of things to dis cuss, whether we were making detailed lists of boys we liked or talking about the meaning of life.

  • 18.01.2016 на 21:50
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    Здравствуйте. Помогите пожалуйста составить вопросы по всем временам к этому предложению: he learns English with his friends

  • 28.01.2016 на 15:43
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    Помогите пожалуйста, очень надо. Составить 8 предложений к тексту.
    It is important that shared meals should not be the setting for trying to deal with family disputes. There will always be arguments from time to time — even in the happiest and closest families. But these should be kept away from the dinner table if possible. Parents are encouraged to set the tone. They can also help by being attentive listeners and appropriate responders. Successes should be marked by congratulation and bad news supported with commiseration. Quieter family members should be encouraged by asking what their opinion is on something, rather than about what they did or failed to do. It makes them feel more important and valued. Sometimes a good start can help a simple family meal go on to be a really enjoyable or even memorable experience.
    The next stage in building this routine is to introduce more days. In our experience the best place to start is Sunday lunch. The second might be to establish Wednesday nights as family meal time. Of course flexibility and a bit of effort are required to set up helpful routines but the pay back can be immense for a family.
    Dinnertime family routines, especially if established early on, have all kinds of other potential benefits. For example children can be encouraged to prepare one course (possibly on an agreed rota): They might even be encouraged to compete to produce maybe an exceptional soup or a truly sensational desert! This can be good fun.
    Once established, family meal routines are also great for developing good table manners and «work» habits. Children can learn to set the table, help with clearing up and generally build good patterns of co-operation with their parents, friends and the people they meet with in daily life.

  • 02.03.2016 на 19:07
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    Пожалуйста ,помогите мне составить вопросы по этому тексту:

    It’s 50 years since Russia sent the first artificial satellite into space. We decided to look at another milestone in space history.

    Prussia has a long and distinguished history imin space. It was the first country to send a satellite into space, the first country to send a man into space and the first country to launch a space station into space. Even now, as the International Space Station is still in its early days, the Russians have already ‘been there and done that’.
    The Mir Orbital Complex was in orbit for fifteen years, three times longer than initially planned. During that time, there were many manned missions to and from it and many spacewalks.
    Mir took ten years to build. The main piece or module weighing 20 tonnes, was launched into space in 1986. A further six modules were launched individually and added to the main module making a total weight of 130 tonnes. The main module contained the living quarters for two cosmonauts in tiny cabins with windows. The first two crew members were Leonid Kizim and Vladimir Soloviev.
    Each module had a special purpose. Kvant was used for x-ray and UV astronomy, Kvant 2 was used as an experimental manoeuvring unit for space suited astronauts. Kristall was a micro-gravity research laboratory. Spektr and Priroda were Earth observation platforms.
    Mir was taken out of orbit in 2001 because of financial reasons. There just wasn’t enough government or private funding to keep it in operation. What remains of the Mir Space Station is now somewhere at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, but it will remain a huge achievement in space technology and a landmark in spaceflight history.

  • 09.03.2016 на 23:17
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    Прошу, составьте 7-8 вопросов к данному тексту!
    «My inspiration»
    I haven’t seen Mr Jenkins since I left school but he was my inspiration. I wasn’t very good at most school subjects. I didn’t make an effort, especially in history and languages. If I’d taken part in my French lessons, I might actually have learnt some French. And I wouldn’t have had to take evening classes! Now I tell my own kids: «If I were you, I’d try to learn as much as you can. It might be useful in future «.

    Anyway, I remember that when I went into Mr. Jenkins ‘s science class, I became interested in a subject for the first time. Mr Jenkins was full of enthusiasm and he got everybody interested. He used to demonstrate things with lots of practical examples. One day he took us outside and weven built a rocket and actually launched it! Простите,пожалуйста, дальше текст не печатается ((

  • 03.05.2016 на 08:48
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    помогите перевести
    1 — День рождения моего друга 4го апреля.
    2 — Мой брат не работает, он учится в университете.
    3 — Вчера она принесла мне интересную книгу.
    4 — Ты собираешься в кино после школы?
    5 — Сколько времени у вас занимает добраться до С.-Петербурга на поезде?
    6 — Я прочитал эту книгу в прошлом году, она была интереснее, чем та на столе.
    7 — Они купили мне сэндвич и торт, сэндвич был ничего, а торт был ужасный.
    8 — Вам нужно немного молока и яйцо.
    9 — Ты сегодня куда-нибудь собираешься сходить?
    10 — Это — самые опасные животные в мире.
    11 — Обычно Майкл не остается дома на выходных, но сегодня он устраивает вечеринку.
    12 — Поверните направо на светофоре, двигайтесь прямо, затем на втором повороте поверните налево, здание будет перед вами.
    13 — Я бы хотел провести месяц в Австралии, хочу попрактиковать свой английский.

  • 19.05.2016 на 21:46
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    Помогите с вопросами .
    1)Кому следует разрешить приносить телефоны в школу ?
    2) Сколько есть преимуществ иметь телефон ?
    3) Когла они могут быть серьезным отвлечением?
    4) Как ученики могут сконцентрироваться на работе?
    5) Кьо посылает сообщения?
    6) Какие возможные риски существуют ?
    7) Что не должно использоваться как место для телефона ?
    8) Что родители предпочитают ?
    9) Что мне кажется ?
    10) Нравится ли вам пользоваться телефоном в школе?

  • 04.12.2016 на 10:51
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    Проверьте пожалуйста, правильно?
    1.Was it a hot summer day?
    2.When was written newspaper article?
    3.What did he do when he got back to the hotel?
    4.What does Neal think about Suzdal ?

  • 11.01.2017 на 12:35
    Постоянная ссылка

    Помогите с заданиями:
    1. Make questions from the worlds in brackets.
    — (feed your cat how often you)
    -(they travel a lot)
    — (to the cinema you often go)/
    2.Напиши утвердительное ,отриц., вопрос. предложения
    — my dad listen to music in the evening
    — I wear shoes now
    — my parent drive a car
    — I brush my teeth every morning

  • 15.01.2017 на 19:26
    Постоянная ссылка

    Помогите составить вопросы!!
    Как ты используешь свой школьный рюкзак?
    У тебя в день много уроков?

  • 25.01.2017 на 21:43
    Постоянная ссылка

    Помогите пожалуйста составить вопросы!!!
    1.В каком году был основан СГТУ?
    2.Какие направления являются основными?
    3.С какими странами университет имеет соглашения?
    4.Сколько в университете кафедр, факультетов и институтов?
    5.Как называется ежегодный международный конкурс в области компьютерной графики и Интернет технологий?

  • 08.02.2017 на 15:52
    Постоянная ссылка

    Правильно ли составлены вопросы? А если нет, исправте,пожалуйста, ошибки)
    1.What will allow us to section off another bedroom for a visitor or create a large single space to host a party in just half an hour(вопр к подлеж)
    2.What will happen after 2015?(Спец)
    3.Will a smart fridge keep an eye on the quantity or quality of the food?(альтер)
    4.They will check efficient use of energy, won’t they?(разд)
    5.Will sophisticated networks of small TV cameras make our homes safe and secure?(общ)

  • 13.02.2017 на 19:05
    Постоянная ссылка

    Помогите, пожалуйста составить вопросы. Буду очень благодарна.
    1. По какой причине Джон не может жить без своей машины?
    2. Что может делать Джон, с помощью своей машины?
    3. Что не может терпеть Джон?
    4. Джон считает , что машина это необходимость , не так ли?
    5. Что считает его жена?
    6. Почему жена Джона считает что машины полезны , но не жизненно необходимы?
    7. Согласен ли Джон с своей женой?

  • 27.02.2017 на 19:25
    Постоянная ссылка

    Помогите пожалуйста составить вопросы;I usually have breakfast at 8 o’clock.My school day begins very early.I took a lot og photographs.John stuchied his lesson last hight.We have already watered the flowers.

    • 28.02.2017 на 10:22
      Постоянная ссылка

      Патимат, вот вопросы, о которых Вы просили.
      Вы можете заниматься английским по скайпу в нашей онлайн школе
      1. What do you do at 8 o’clock?
      2. When does your school day begin?
      3. Who took a lot of photographs?
      4. What did John do last night?
      5. What have you done?

  • 03.03.2017 на 18:28
    Постоянная ссылка

    Помогите составить вопросы к предложению:A partnership is an association of two or more persons to carry on a business for profit.Нужен:1. общий 2. специальный
    3. к подлежащему 4. альтернативный 5. разделительный.Буду очень рада любой помощи.

    • 04.03.2017 на 07:56
      Постоянная ссылка

      Здравствуйте, Варвара!
      1. Is а partnership an association of two or more persons to carry on a business for profit?
      2. What is the mission of a partnership?
      3. What is an association of two or more persons to carry on a business for profit?
      4. Is а partnership an association of two or more persons to carry on a business or a lively trade?
      5. A partnership is an association of two or more persons to carry on a business for profit, isn’t it?

      Приглашаем Вас на бесплатный пробный урок в нашу онлайн-школу.

      • 04.03.2017 на 14:33
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        Помогите пожалуйста составить к каждому предложению по одному вопросу;

        Like many big cities, London has problems with traffic and pollution. Over 1000000 people a day use the London Underground. People who want to drive into the city centre pay some money, but there are still too many cars in the streets. The air isn’t clean, but it is cleaner than it was 100 years ago. For me, the best thing about London is the parks. There are five in the city centre. London consists of four main parts: The City of London, The City of Westminster, The West End, The East End. The most beautiful part of London is the West End. The best hotels, restaurants and shops are situated here. The oldest part of London is the City, which is the commercial and trading centre of London. The East End is the working part of London, its industrial centre. And Westminster is the aristocratic official part of London, its administrative centre.

  • 04.03.2017 на 14:33
    Постоянная ссылка

    Помогите пожалуйста составить к каждому предложению по одному вопросу;

    Like many big cities, London has problems with traffic and pollution. Over 1000000 people a day use the London Underground. People who want to drive into the city centre pay some money, but there are still too many cars in the streets. The air isn’t clean, but it is cleaner than it was 100 years ago. For me, the best thing about London is the parks. There are five in the city centre. London consists of four main parts: The City of London, The City of Westminster, The West End, The East End. The most beautiful part of London is the West End. The best hotels, restaurants and shops are situated here. The oldest part of London is the City, which is the commercial and trading centre of London. The East End is the working part of London, its industrial centre. And Westminster is the aristocratic official part of London, its administrative centre.

    • 04.03.2017 на 22:06
      Постоянная ссылка

      Помогите пожалуйста составить к каждому предложению по одному вопросу. Я надеюсь что вы мне поможете я уже все возможные сайты попробовала не кто не помог. Пожалуйста очень сильно прошу!

      Like many big cities, London has problems with traffic and pollution. Over 1000000 people a day use the London Underground. People who want to drive into the city centre pay some money, but there are still too many cars in the streets. The air isn’t clean, but it is cleaner than it was 100 years ago. For me, the best thing about London is the parks. There are five in the city centre. London consists of four main parts: The City of London, The City of Westminster, The West End, The East End. The most beautiful part of London is the West End. The best hotels, restaurants and shops are situated here. The oldest part of London is the City, which is the commercial and trading centre of London. The East End is the working part of London, its industrial centre. And Westminster is the aristocratic official part of London, its administrative centre.

  • 16.03.2017 на 12:49
    Постоянная ссылка

    Переведите на английский,пожалуйста:
    1.Имеет ли земельный кадастр давние традиции?
    2.Отличаются ли в разных странах элементы кадастровых систем?
    3.На чём основаны кадастровые системы?
    4.Что является основной единицей кадастровых систем?
    5.Регистрация прав собственности обязательна или нет?
    6.В чём заключается положительный эффект имущественной регистрации?
    7. Сколько компонентов включает стратегическое планирование?
    8.Кто контролирует стратегическое планирование?
    9.Какова цель реестра земельных участков?
    10.Где используются данные кадастровых систем?

  • 29.03.2017 на 11:38
    Постоянная ссылка

    Помогите пожалуйста составить альтернативные вопросы по этому тексту.

    Last Sunday was very nice.It was cold and it was not hot,It was warm,sunny and dry.There were some white clouds in the blue sky.The Barkers were not at home.John was in the zoo with his friends.His sister Sally was not with him.She was in the park with her dog Chase.Sally was happy but Chase was not.He was sad.There was no bone and there daughter.Mrs Barkers was not in the swimming bath and Mr Barker was in his garage.In the evening the Barkers were at home.They were tired but happy.

  • 02.05.2017 на 22:31
    Постоянная ссылка

    Помогите составить к 2 предложениям по 5 вопросов:A study conducted by Sesame Workshopl found that children’s development is more effective with a printed book rather than with an ebookEnthusiastic fans of printed books any that there’s nothing like the smell of paper and the rustic of the pages as the reader turns them gently with their fingers.

  • 15.10.2017 на 23:34
    Постоянная ссылка

    Здравствуйте, нужна помощь. Помогите составить к предложениям по 3 вопроса:общий, специальный и вопрос к подлежащему Engineeers designed computers for particular purposes.
    We are carrying some experiments with different electrical devices at the moment.
    Our workshops are equipped with automatic machinery

  • 12.04.2018 на 18:12
    Постоянная ссылка

    Помогите, пожалуйста, сделать правильно вопросы.
    1 How/England / its name?
    2 How many people / England?
    3 Who/ patron saint/ England?
    4 What / symbol /England?
    5 Can / name / well-known actors?
    Заранее большое спасибо

  • 03.05.2018 на 18:48
    Постоянная ссылка

    помогите составить вопросы по предложениям:
    1-the mermaid swims in the sea.
    2-Peter pan hunts with bows and arrows.
    3-Wendy tells tales.
    4-the pirates chases the lost boys.
    5-the lost boys go round the island.
    6-Peter pan play tricks on Captain Hook.
    7-Tinker Bell flies round the island.

  • 23.09.2018 на 19:52
    Постоянная ссылка

    Помогите составить вопросы к 6 предложениям.
    Mrs.Lee is putting hot water in the tea-pot.
    She wants to make some tea.
    The boys want to climb up to the roof.
    We are taking photographs.
    This book is worth reading.
    I’m tired of doing the same things every day.

  • 15.12.2018 на 16:24
    Постоянная ссылка

    Помогите составить по 5 вопросов к каждому предложению:
    My working day begins at 7 oclock.
    The lessons begin at 8:30.
    Sometimes a have to go the library.


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