Essay in English - English Voyage

idioms6Writing an essay is not just a process of jotting down the ideas you’ve come up with on the topic. It comprises a range of feelings, aspirations, and even suffering that take your mind at the moment. When accomplishing university or school homework aimed at preparing such a piece of writing, take advantage of this task analyzing your inner world, the achievements you’ve earned and failures that taught you a lesson.

Here’s one of the perfect examples of an essay written by my 3-year student Vladislav Shareiko (National Transport University). This thought-provoking composition may serve as an example which is characterized by a wide range of topical vocabulary, relevant to the tenses grammar structures and, what’s more important, reflection of the student’s way of thinking and psychological perception of the surrounding world.

Poem of Sorrow

A day of sorrow lasts longer than a month of joy. This expression is directly related to our perception of the world. In my opinion, an hour and even a minute of suffering can be longer than a year or more time spent in joy and happiness. From my own experience, I will say that these moments of happiness are possible through years of suffering, and it’s not a fact that you will live in happiness knowing what you have been through, being aware that there’s something you haven’t achieved, and what you would like to do.

How sometimes it is not easy to achieve a minute of happiness. And having overcome your thorny path through thorns to the stars, you will turn back and notice that you have become a masochist and you liked suffering more than the bits of
happiness you received. You became a masochist and changed your point of view. Realizing this it is already difficult to understand where the very sincere happiness you need is. It may itself find you or may tease you with its appearance till the end of life thereby satisfying your inner masochist. You choose how to live this life. You decide whether your life is worth this empty pursuit of happiness or whether you are becoming a sadist who will create happiness for other masochists. The choice is yours.

Essay in English. Russian interpretation.

Поэма боли

Час и даже минута страданий может быть дольше, чем год или больше времени, проведенных в радости и счастье. Это выражение напрямую отображает наше восприятие мира. По своему опыту скажу, что эти минуты счастья возможны через года страданий. И то не факт, что вы будете жить в счастье, зная, через что вы прошли, чего вы не добились, и что вы хотели бы сделать.

Как же иногда нелегко добиться минуты счастья. А преодолев свой тернистый путь, через тернии к звездам вы обернетесь назад и заметите, что вы стали мазохистом и вам больше нравились страдания, чем те крупицы счастья, которые вы получили. Вы стали мазохистом и поменяли свою точку зрения. Осознав это, уже трудно понять, где то самое искреннее счастье, которое вам нужно. Оно может само найти вас, а может дразнить вас своим видом до конца жизни, тем самым удовлетворяя вашего внутреннего мазохиста. Вам выбирать как прожить эту жизнь. Вам решать, стоит ли ваша жизнь этой пустой погони за счастьем или же вы станете садистом, который будет создавать счастье для других мазохистов. Выбор за вами.

To write an essay, be sure you’ve thoroughly selected the essential vocabulary and appropriate grammar structures. Remember to avoid ambiguous concepts and stick to the prepared beforehand.

Essay in English. Tasks to practise.

1. To practise your English, do English-Russian and Russian-English translation of the essay offered in this article. Compare with the original text.

2. Choose 10 nouns, 10 verbs, 10 adjectives to synonimize them.

3. Think of a different name of the essay.

4. Use the words which are in bold type to write your own essay on the topic.

Автор статьи — Владислав Шарейко

Online teachers of English are here to help you write an essay in English — English Voyage Online School.

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Essay in English

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