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Сегодня будем учить английские идиомы. 10 наиболее интересных и полезных идиом с использованием цветов (белый, черный, красный, синий, зеленый, золотистый, розовый, серебристый, коричневый и желтый) обогатят Вашу речь и много расскажут о нравах британцев. Эти Colour Idioms отлично запоминаются, поскольку подкрепляются яркой картинкой, понятным объяснением и простым примером. Для лучшего запоминания прочитайте «Английские идиомы — как их учить?».
Если сомневаетесь в произношении или значении какого-нибудь слова, воспользуйтесь мощным словариком ABBYY Lingvo.Pro на блоге справа внизу.
No. | Idiom | Meaning | Translation | Example |
1 | Be the pink of perfection![]() |
The best, with no defects. | Верх совершенства. | She is the pink of perfection woman. |
2 | Born with a silver spoon in one’s mouth![]() |
To have opportunities that you did not earn but that you have from the influence of your family (silver spoons were given at birth to wealthy children). |
Родиться в сорочке, родиться под счастливой звездой. | He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth – he came from a rich family and doesn’t know anything about working for a living. |
3 | Once in a blue moon![]() |
To do something very rarely, once in a while. | Очень редко, почти никогда. | I don’t usually hang out here, just once in a blue moon. |
4 | A golden handshake ![]() |
A large sum of money paid to a retiring manager or director, or to a redundant worker. | «Золотое рукопожатие», компенсация за отставку (уходящему на пенсию или работнику, обычно руководителю, увольняемому по не зависящей от него причине). | The company manager received a £700,000 golden handshake on retiring. |
5 | A white elephant![]() |
A useless possession. | Обременительное или разорительное имущество, обуза; подарок, от которого не знаешь, как избавиться. | The new gadget that she bought seems likely to prove a white elephant — she doesn’t need it at all. |
6 | Be in the red![]() |
To owe money to a bank. (Accountants often write amounts of money that are owed in red ink.) | Быть убыточным, приносить дефицит, быть должником. | We were in the red at the end of our first year. I hate being in the red |
7 | Be in the black![]() |
Successful or profitable. | Без убытков, с положительным сальдо, с прибылью. | I managed to move the company into the black. |
8 | Green with envy![]() |
Jealous, envious. | Снедаемый завистью, позеленевший от зависти. | Her new necklace made her neighbour green with envy. |
9 | A brown noser![]() |
A person who acts favorably to his or her peers to gain fancy that will eventually be used to their advantage (a raise, promotion, or acceptance in a group). | Подхалим. | That Tom is a real brown noser — he makes our boss a cup of coffee every morning. or I’ve got to do some brown nosing with the boss. |
10 | A yellow streak![]() |
Cowardice in character. | Склонность к трусости или предательству. | Ben seems to have a yellow streak about driving, but he doesn’t want to admit it. |
Match the colour idioms on the left with their meanings on the right.
1. | Be the pink of perfection | a | Not in debt; in a financially profitable condition. |
2. | Born with a silver spoon in one’s mouth | b | Fearful and cowardly, the opposite of brave. |
3. | Once in a blue moon | c | Born in wealth, into a rich family. |
4. | A golden handshake | d | Wanting what others have. |
5. | A white elephant | e | Ideal. |
6. | Be in the red | f | The big money which is given to someone when they leave a company, especially if they are forced to leave. |
7. | Be in the black | g | Someone who “kisses up” to others (e.g. a boss at work or a teacher at school). |
8. | Green with envy | h | To have an overdraft, to be in debt. |
9. | A brown noser | i | Something that has cost a lot of money but has no useful purpose. |
10. | A yellow streak | j | Very seldom. |
1. | 2. | 3. | 4. | 5. | 6. | 7. | 8. | 9. | 10. |
e | c | j | f | i | h | a | d | g | b |